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Meet your Game Masters

Greetings heroes, and welcome to The Deliberate Myth. 


Founded in January, 2017, The Deliberate Myth aims to give an engaging, inventive, and completely custom outlet for creative minds of all ages.  Allow me to introduce the party that will guide you along the way.  Here is the tale of your Deliberate Myth Game Masters.



Seth's D&D adventure is one of destiny - of fulfilling a dream he didn't even know he had.


Seth has been a fully accredited D&D devotee, player, and DM since 1980, when he made his first character Elrod, a blatant mash-up of all the best elves of Middle Earth.  The game very quickly wormed its way into his brain as a kid, where (like any good and proper brain parasite) it took up permanent residence in his imagination.  No matter what random encounter life threw, the desire to create, explore, and imagine never left.


Now Seth is the dad of two remarkable daughters who, through some incredible combination of fate, good luck, and good parenting, have become just as enthralled.  Naturally, Seth started running games for them and their friends.  It was amazing and fun and exciting and hilarious... but it wasn’t enough.


Seth saw the unfiltered creativity and the unapologetic courage of these kids as they played, through both the nostalgic eyes of his younger self and the adult eyes of his current parental incarnation, and knew he had to do more.  The whispering wyrm inside his brain demanded that he share this passion and love of the hobby with as many people as possible.



Hopper's D&D adventure is one of perseverance - of doing more and more and more.


Hopper has been playing and running D&D for approximately 65% of their life, starting early on with slapstick adventures in 3rd edition before graduating to running four simultaneous campaigns in their own world using 5th Edition.


Hopper began their adventure as a level 1 Druid, born in Maine to two teachers who encouraged exploration, love of nature and learning.  Hopper has spent most of their adult life working professionally with trees, cultivating an appreciation for the growth and guidance of life.  Between that and growing up with a passion for fantasy and science fiction, Hopper channels most of their free time and creative energy to developing stories, building worlds, and growing relationships, all while using table top role playing games as a medium of communication, social engagement and personal growth.



Lexa's D&D journey is one of torchbearing- of inspiring others to share their voices.


Lexa has officially been a Dungeon Master for only a few years, although she has been a storyteller all her life.  She discovered Dungeons and Dragons through family.  Her aunt and uncle would share tales of bygone campaigns from their youth.  The more stories they told her, the more astounded Lexa became.   How remarkable to have created experiences so enthralling and vivid that they still deserved to be heard decades later!  She knew  that was what she wanted to share with others around her.  Lexa began building up her skills as a player, as a storyteller, and as a DM, and has not wavered since.  Lexa believes that every player's story is unique and important, and she strives to share that belief with every player she has.   


In addition to adventuring and storytelling, Lexa is also seeking a teaching degree, and hopes to use D&D as a tool in education.  So often kids are told to be quiet and listen. But in the many worlds of D&D they have the opportunity to be heard, to create, and to learn, all at once.  The best part of being a DM is helping them see that their stories matter.



Kels' D&D journey is one of revelation- of seeking out her true self and helping others rise to their own authentic greatness.


Born and raised in the frozen wastes of coastal New England, Kels first played D&D as an elvish cleric at an after school program in 2005, using classic AD&D books, and pushing through each edition there after to date. She first DM'd four years later, running a party for her friends while stuffed into a cold and damp garage illuminated only by lantern light, but has since graduated to playing and DMing in countless campaigns through dozens of different role-playing games. Using might and magic, with sword and sorcery, and through fateful defeats and triumphant victories, Kels has seen the wonder of imagination taken shape, and would like nothing more than to spread that feeling to every player at her table.

Apart from her time rolling dice, Kels can be found tending to her personal aviary, writing scrolls of poetry, and assembling models in the safety of her lair.



Mike's D&D adventure is one of redemption - of finding something, losing it, then finding it again. 


Young Mike was bewitched by the magic of The Lord of the Rings, Conan the Barbarian, and other stalwarts of the fantasy genre.  Like any good adventurer, he took as many side quests as possible - mowing lawns and other odd jobs suitable for his age - to finally place the core tomes of  3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons proudly in his inventory.  Sadly, he could find no other adventurers to join him.  The tomes sat dormant for many years, eventually becoming lost to the sands of time. Fifteen years later, however, he heard the siren’s call, and bravely ventured into a local game shop.  On that fateful evening he finally joined his first campaign and was forever changed – by the excitement and magic, of course, but even more so by the friendship and camaraderie he found. Now, years after that pivotal night he still runs regular D&D games with some of the same friends he made that first night, as well as many more friendships he has made along the way.


When not running a game Mike can be found adventuring in the mountains with his wife and his animal companion, or designing all manner of cool, helpful gizmos and gadgets.  He is constantly exploring, building and tinkering, trying to make all worlds real and imagined a better place. 


Thus, The Deliberate Myth was born.  It is our sincerest hope that we can help the wizards and warriors in your family (young and old alike) explore, create, and enjoy this incredible world of adventure.   Join us and discover how your story unfolds!


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